TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Strickland - Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP - Development Services Director
FROM: Will Deaton, MPA, AICP, CFM, CZO - Planning & Zoning Manager
Heather Eckhardt, CZO - Planner II
DATE: January 13, 2025
P24-46. Rezoning from Agricultural Residential (AR) to Light Industrial (LI) located at 0 S Reilly Road (9497225630000) totaling 5.21 acres ± and being the property of Preston D Jackson Heirs.
Council District(s)
7 - Brenda McNair
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal II: Responsive City Government Supporting a Diverse and Viable Economy
• Objective 2.1 - To ensure a diverse City tax base
Goal III: City invested in Today and Tomorrow
• Objective 3.2 - To manage the City's future growth and strategic land use.
Executive Summary:
Council is asked to receive the recommendation from the Zoning Commission and approve the rezoning request as part of the consent agenda.
The applicant requested to rezone a 5.21-acre parcel on S Reilly Road near Southgate subdivision from Agricultural Residential (AR) to Heavy Industrial (HI).
The Zoning Commission met on December 10, 2024, to review the request. There were two speakers in favor and two speakers in opposition. The speakers in opposition expressed concerns about the range of uses permitted by the Heavy Industrial zoning district. The Zoning Commission unanimously recommended the Light Industrial (LI) zoning district, which the applicant supported.
Owner: Preston D Jackson Heirs
Applicant: Jacob Joby
Requested Action: AR to LI
REID #: 9497225630000
Council District: 7 - Brenda McNair
Status of Property: Vacant
Size: 5.21 acres
Adjoining Land Use & Zoning:
• North: AR - Vacant
• South: AR - Single family houses
• East: HI - S & W Ready Mixed Concrete Company
• West: AR - I-295 and vacant land
Annual Average Daily Traffic: S Reilly Road: 3,600
Letters Mailed: 26
The subject property was originally part of a larger tract of land owned by the family of Zebulon Dee Jackson. Over time, the land was subdivided, and a portion of it was passed down through the family, eventually coming into the possession of Preston D. Jackson. After Mr. Jackson's passing in 2004, the property was inherited by his heirs. For many years, the subject property, along with the larger parcel, was used as farmland, though farming ceased on the property in the early 2000s. In 2005, the subject property and the surrounding area were annexed into the City of Fayetteville as part of the Phase 5 annexation project. More recently, I-295 was built through the rear of the property, splitting it into a parcel with frontage on two major roads: S Reilly Road and I-295.
Surrounding Area:
The surrounding area has a variety of residential and industrial uses. The area to the immediate north is vacant land that was likely farmland much like the subject property. Roughly a quarter mile to the north, on the eastern side of S. Reilly Road, is the Reilly Road Industrial Park. The Southgate subdivision is located to the southeast of the subject property. Both the Southgate subdivision and the Reilly Road Industrial Park were developed in the early 1970s. Finally, to the immediate south, there are a few homes interspersed among land that was likely agricultural in the past but appears to have been recently farmed for timber.
Land Use Plan:
According to the Future Land Use Map & Plan, this general area is recommended to be developed as Industrial/Employment Center. Industrial/Employment Center calls for high intensity nonresidential uses with high impact or likelihood for nuisance. This includes regional employment centers including larger industrial uses or business parks.
Consistency and Reasonableness Statements:
The Future Land Use Plan also sets forth written goals, policies, and strategies. This application follows the City’s strategic, compatible growth strategies and does meet the goals of the Land Use Plan found on the attached Consistency and Reasonableness form.
The construction of I-295 changed the size and shape of the subject property as well as the composition of the surrounding area. The subject property and the adjacent parcels are now of a size that would likely be less profitable for agriculture type uses. The Future Land Use Plan indicates that the subject property and surrounding properties to the north should be developed as an Industrial/Employment Center. This plan aligns with the variety of industrial uses in the area - inside and outside the Reilly Road Industrial Park.
Budget Impact:
There is not an immediate budgetary impact but there will be an economic impact associated with this rezoning that will occur due to taxes collected in the future.
1. Approval of the map amendment to LI as presented based on the evidence submitted and finds that the rezoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan as demonstrated by the attached consistency and reasonableness statement (recommended)
2. Recommends approval of the map amendment to a more restrictive zoning district based on the evidence submitted and finds that the map amendment would be consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and an amended consistency statement.
3. Denies the map amendment request based on the evidence submitted and finds that the map amendment is inconsistent with the Future Land Use Plan.
Recommended Action:
The Zoning Commission and Professional Planning Staff recommend that the City Council move to APPROVE of the map amendment to LI based on the following:
• The proposed zoning map amendment does implement the policies adopted in the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP), and those policies found in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).
• The uses permitted by the proposed change in zoning district classification and standards apply to such uses are appropriate in the immediate area of the land to be reclassified due to the existing zoning and uses surrounding this property; and
• There are no other factors that will substantially affect public health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
1. Plan Application
2. Aerial Notification Map
3. Zoning Map
4. Land Use Plan Map
5. Subject Property
6. Surrounding Property Photos
7. Consistency and Reasonableness Statement
8. PowerPoint
9. Zoning Commission Minutes