City of Fayetteville
File #: 23-3701    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/9/2023 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/27/2023 Final action:
Title: PWC - Bid Recommendation - First and Second Stage Bucket Sets for GE 5001P Gas Turbine
Attachments: 1. Bid Recommendation - First and Second Stage Buucket Sets for GE5001P Gas Turbine
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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TO:                                            Mayor and Members of City Council

THRU:                      Timothy L. Bryant, CEO/General Manager

                                          Fayetteville Public Works Commission


FROM:                     Fayetteville Public Works Commission


DATE:                      November 27, 2023




PWC - Bid Recommendation - First and Second Stage Bucket Sets for GE 5001P Gas Turbine                     



COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                      

Council District(s)





Relationship To Strategic Plan:

High Quality Built Environment



Executive Summary:

Bids were received for the purchase of three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) sets of second stage buckets needed for the GE5001P Gas Turbines located at Butler Warner Generation Plant.  The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Turbine Technology Services Corp, Orlando, FL, in the total amount of $433,469.46 and $391,002.40 respectively. 





The Fayetteville Public Works Commission, during their meeting on October 25, 2023, approved the bid recommendation to award the purchase of three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) sets of second stage buckets needed for the GE5001P Gas Turbines located at Butler Warner Generation Plant to Turbine Technology Services Corp., Orlando, FL, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the total amount of $433,469.46 and $391,002.40 respectively.  The Commission also approved to forward this recommendation to City Council for approval. 


Bids were received on November 1, 2023


       Three Sets of First Stage Buckets for GE5001P Gas Turbine


Bidders                                                                                                                              Unit Cost                                          Total Cost                                                               Lead Time


Turbine Technology Services, Orlando, FL                     $144,489.82                                          $433,469.46                                                               14-26 Weeks


        Three Sets of Second Stage Buckets for GE5001P Gas Turbine


Bidders                                                                                                                              Unit Cost                                          Total Cost                                                               Lead Time


Turbine Technology Services, Orlando, FL                     $130,334.13                                          $391,002.40                                                               14-26 Weeks 





Notice of the bid was advertised through our normal channels on October 25, 2023, with a bid opening date of November 1, 2023. Bids were solicited from one (1) vendor and one (1) bid was received. The Commission is asked to approve the purchase award for three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) set of second stage buckets needed for gas turbines located at the Butler-Warner Generation Plant to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Turbine Technology Services Corporation, Orlando, FL, in the amount of $824,471.86 .


MWDBE/SLS Participation:  Turbine Technology Services Corp., Orlando, FL is not a small local supplier business and is not classified as an MWDBE Business.   




Budget Impact: 

The First and Second Stage Bucket Sets are budgeted in the Butler Warner Generation Plant Inventory








Recommended Action: 

The Fayetteville Public Works Commission recommends the Fayetteville City Council approve the bid recommendation to award the purchase of three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) sets of second stage buckets needed for the GE5001P Gas Turbines located at Butler Warner Generation Plant to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Turbine Technology Services Corporation, Orlando, FL, in the amount of $433,469.46 and $391,002.40 respectively.





Bid Recommendation - First and Second Stage Bucket Sets for GE5001P Gas Turbine