City of Fayetteville
File #: 22-2875    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/29/2022 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 8/8/2022 Final action:
Title: Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 to Amend the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Fee Schedule for Long and Short Term Daily Parking Rates at the Fayetteville Regional Airport
Attachments: 1. BOA 2023-2 Fee Schedule
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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TO:                                            Mayor and Members of City Council

THRU:                      Telly C. Whitfield, Ph.D., Assistant City Manager


FROM:                     Alvester T. (Toney) Coleman, PhD, A.A.E., Airport Director

                                          Kelly Olivera, Budget & Evaluation Director


DATE:                      August 8, 2022




Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 to Amend the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Fee Schedule for Long and Short Term Daily Parking Rates at the Fayetteville Regional Airport                      



COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                      

Council District(s)





Relationship To Strategic Plan:

Goal 4: Fayetteville will be a highly desirable place to live, work, and recreate with thriving neighborhoods and a high quality of life for all residents.


Objective 4.1: To maintain public transportation investments with high quality transit and airport services.


Goal 5:  Financially Sound City Providing Exemplary City Services

Objective 5.1:  To ensure strong financial management with fiduciary accountability, and plan for future resource sustainability by aligning resources with City priorities.



Executive Summary:

Council is asked to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 to revise the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Fee Schedule previously adopted on June 13, 2022. The requested changes are to the long term and short term daily parking rates at the Fayetteville Regional Airport. The current rates for long term and short term daily parking are $9/day and $12/day, respectively.  The proposed changes would be $10/day for long term and $13/day for short term parking.




The Fayetteville Airport Commission, at its June 28, 2022 meeting, accepted a proposal by Airport staff to increase long and short term daily parking rates at the Airport. The proposed changes to long term and short term daily parking rates are form $9/day and $12/day to $10/day and $13/day, respectively.


The proposed changes would take effect on September 1, 2022, and the increased revenue of approximately $180,000 per year would offset increased personnel costs for contracted parking staff.


The last change to the daily long and short term parking rates occurred in 2015, when rates were adjusted from $8/day and $10/day to $9/day and $12/day, respectively. 




The proposed rates are comparable with airports of similar and larger size.




Budget Impact: 

There is no impact to the General Fund.




1)  Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 to revise the long and short term parking rates at the Fayetteville Regional Airport.

2)  Do not adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 and provide additional direction to staff.



Recommended Action: 

Staff recommends that Council move to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2 as presented.




Budget Ordinance Amendment 2023-2