City of Fayetteville
File #: 24-4290    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/16/2024 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 10/28/2024 Final action:
Title: Authorization to Accept the FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant for the Broadell Community National Register Nomination Project and Adoption of Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance to Appropriate Grant Funding and the Required Match
Attachments: 1. SRO 2025-11, 2. FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant Award Letter, 3. FY2024 CLG Grant Contract - Fayetteville
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TO:                                            Mayor and Members of City Council

THRU:                      Kelly Olivera, Assistant City Manager

Jeffrey Yates, Assistant City Manager


FROM:                     Christopher Cauley, MPA - Economic & Community Development Director

Nelson Soriano - Neighborhood Engagement Manager

Kimberly Leonard, CLGBO, CLGFO, CPA, MPA, Budget and Evaluation Director


DATE:                      October 28, 2024




Authorization to Accept the FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant for the Broadell Community National Register Nomination Project and Adoption of Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance to Appropriate Grant Funding and the Required Match                      



COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                      

Council District(s)

Districts 3 & 4                      




Relationship To Strategic Plan:

Goal II: Responsive City Government supporting a diverse and viable economy

2.2: Community Revitalization - Invest in community places to ensure revitalization and increase quality of life

Goal III: City Investment in Today & Tomorrow

3.2 Manage the City’s future growth and strategic land use

Goal IV: Desirable Place to Live, Work and Recreate

4.5 Neighborhood Vitality - Ensure a place to live in great neighborhoods



Executive Summary:

City Council is asked to authorize the acceptance of the FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant to prepare a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places for the Broadell Community which was placed on the State Historic Preservation Office’s (SHPO) Study list in February of 2024. The Council is also asked to adopt Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance (SRO) 2025-11 to appropriate $21,000 of federal grant funds, passed through the State Historic Preservation Office of the North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, and the required local match of $14,000, for a total project appropriation of $35,000. The required local match funds will be provided by a General Fund transfer from the Economic and Community Development Department’s annual operating budget.




During the community engagement portion of the Choice Neighborhood Grant efforts, community stakeholders requested a historic designation for the Broadell Community. In response, the City’s Economic and Community Development Department (ECD) applied for and was awarded a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant to conduct an architectural and historical survey that was then placed on the State’s Study List. The next step in this process is to prepare and submit a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The City’s ECD department applied for and was awarded a second CLG grant to hire a consultant to prepare for that nomination.


The Historic Preservation Office of the North Carolina Department of Natural & Cultural Resources will assist the City in preparing a request for proposals to select a consultant. The consultant will submit final drafts of all products to SHPO by February 28, 2026.




The architectural survey for the Holly Springs Community, now identified as the Broadell Community, consists of 250 acres and approximately 730 parcels. Prior work included fieldwork, high-resolution digital photography, updating or creating records in the SHPO’s survey database based on site visits, archival research, previous surveys, reports, or other historical documentation completed in the area, and research in city directories, Sanborn maps, and other sources.




Budget Impact: 

There is no impact to the General Fund fund balance. The process is estimated to cost $35,000, with grant funds providing $21,000 and a General Fund transfer providing the remaining $14,000 for the local match. The City’s local match is provided from the adopted fiscal year 2025 General Fund annual operating budget.




1.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute the grant contract and adopt SRO 2025-11.

2.                     Do not authorize execution of the grant contract or adoption of SRO 2025-11 and provide further guidance to staff.




Recommended Action: 

Staff recommends that Council move to authorize the City Manager to execute the grant contract and to adopt SRO 2025-11 as presented.



                     Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance 2025-11

                     FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant Award Letter

                     FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund Grant Contract