TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Douglas J. Hewett, ICMA-CM, City Manager
Jeffrey Yates, Assistant City Manager
FROM: Kevin Dove, Fire Chief
Kimberly Leonard, CLGFO, CLGBO, CPA, MPA, Budget & Evaluation Director
DATE: October 14, 2024
Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment to Appropriate a $94,000 reimbursement grant for the Urban Search and Rescue Program
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Safe and Secure Community
Executive Summary:
The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) is eligible to receive an annual reimbursement up to $94,000 for the actual costs of any response, activation, demobilization and reconstitution costs for State Mission consistent with the latest version of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide for Emergency Protective Measures from the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCEM). Council is asked to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment (BOA) 2025-7 to appropriate $94,000 for the Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) program for fiscal year 2025.
FFD has already received an annual reimbursement from the NCEM for the USAR program through fiscal year 2024. This reimbursement of up to $94,000 requires qualifying expenditures on training, administration and equipment expenses for the USAR program by the City in order to receive this funding.
The fiscal year 2025 adopted budget does not include expenditures that qualify to receive this reimbursement. Without an amendment to FFD's current budget, the NCEM funding will not be received by the City, and the USAR program will go without the training, administrative support and equipment that could be provided by the additional funds.
Budget Impact:
There is no impact to the General Fund fund balance.
1. Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-7 to appropriate funding for the USAR progra...
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