TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Douglas J. Hewett, ICMA-CM
Jeffrey Yates, Assistant City Manager
FROM: Kemberle Braden, Chief of Police
Kimberly Leonard, CLGBO, CLGFO, CPA, MPA,
Budget and Evaluation Director
DATE: October 14, 2024
Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance to Appropriate $166,185 from the FY24 Community Policing Development Microgrants Award to Expand Geographic Information System Capacity for Crime Analysis
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Safe and Secure Community
Executive Summary:
The City has been awarded a grant from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) through the Community Policing Development Microgrants program. Council is asked to adopt Capital Project Ordinance (CPO) 2025-27 to appropriate $166,185 of grant proceeds for the Community Policing Development Microgrants project.
The Fayetteville Police Department, in partnership with the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) Center for Justice Research and Innovation, will utilize FY24 Microgrants funding to expand its capacity to use geographic information system (GIS) tools and applications for crime analysis, communication, information sharing, and decision-making. Specifically, FPD will explore and expand its use of ArcGIS StoryMaps, which has a variety of uses for dynamic reporting of spatial information, such as critical incidents (e.g., officer-involved shootings, mass demonstrations), place-based policing initiatives, and resource deployment across geographic areas. StoryMaps has the potential to help FPD and police leaders and agencies nationwide in enhancing their community engagement by communicating information in more tangible and easier ways.
The grant performance period expires September 30, 2026.
Budget Impact:
There is no impact on the General Fund fund balance.
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