TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Strickland, Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP, Development Services Director
David Steinmetz, Development Services Assistant Director
FROM: Dereke D. Planter Jr., Code Enforcement Supervisor
DATE: January 27, 2025
Uninhabitable Structures: Demolition Recommendations
308 Currie Street District 2
822 Varsity Drive District 3
5202 Gavins Street District 4
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Safe & Secure Community; Goal 4: Desirable Place to Live, Work & Recreate
Executive Summary:
Staff requests that Council approve demolition ordinances for two residential buildings that has been determined to be dangerous and one blight.
308 Currie Street - PIN 0437-23-4562
The City Inspector is obligated to address conditions that violate the Dwellings and Buildings Minimum Standards Code of Fayetteville, NC. This vacant residential property was inspected and condemned as a dangerous structure on May 23, 2022. The building is in disrepair and requires structural repairs, including but not limited to Exterior steps need repair; Porch framing and flooring needs repair; Walls need repair; Doors and door frames need repair; Windowpanes need repair; Window frames and sashes need repair; Roofing material, flashing and trim/fascia need repair; Roof rafters and sheathing need repair.
The hearing regarding the property's condition was held on June 22, 2022, with the property owner failing to attend. Following this hearing, an order was issued on June 28, 2022, directing the owner to either repair or demolish the structure within 60 days. The notice provided contact information for the City of Fayetteville Economic & Community Development Department, as well as details on available programs to assist with repair and demolition expenses.
As of the present, no repairs have been made, and the property r...
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