TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Douglas J. Hewett, ICMA-CM
Jeffrey Yates, Assistant City Manager
FROM: Kemberle Braden, Chief of Police
Kimberly Leonard, CLGBO, CLGFO, CPA, MPA,
Budget and Evaluation Director
DATE: August 12, 2024
Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3 to Appropriate the Cumberland Community Foundation Homeless Coordination Grant Award
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Safe and Secure Community
Executive Summary:
The Fayetteville Police Department has been awarded $3,010 in grant funding by the Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. for use by the Homeless Coordinator. Council is asked to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3 to appropriate these funds for the purchase of bus passes for persons at risk of or experiencing homelessness. This grant funding will greatly assist this target population in being able to get to necessary appointments and to cooling places for safety.
Individuals within the homeless community are often unable to utilize public transportation due to the associated cost. A lack of transportation limits individuals’ ability to benefit from the various resources available to them. This can result in having to forgo important appointments, such as mental health services, job interviews/employment, Medicaid/EBT recertification and housing appointments.
Budget Impact:
There is no impact on the General Fund as no local match is required.
1) Adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3 to appropriate the grant funding.
2) Do not adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3 and provide further guidance to staff.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends that Council adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3 as presented.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2025-3
Grant Agreement
Authorization to Use Funds