TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Strickland - Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP - Development Services Director
FROM: Will Deaton, MPA, AICP, CFM, CZO - Planning & Zoning Manager
Demetrios Moutos - Planner I
DATE: February 24, 2025
P25-01: A map amendment request to rezone 6105 A Yadkin Road (REID 0409206960000), owned by Moore Enterprises Inc., from Single-Family Residential 6 (SF-6) to Community Commercial (CC).
Council District(s)
4 - D.J. Haire
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal II: Responsive City Government Supporting a Diverse and Viable Economy
* Objective 2.1 - To ensure a diverse City tax base
Goal III: City invested in Today and Tomorrow
* Objective 3.2 - To manage the City's future growth and strategic land use.
Executive Summary:
Council is asked to receive the recommendation from the Zoning Commission and approve the rezoning request as part of the consent agenda.
The applicant has requested to rezone 11.31 acres of a 21.87-acre parcel on Yadkin Road near the Summerhill subdivision from Single-Family Residential (SF-6) to Community Commercial (CC) to bring the total parcel under one zoning designation.
A public hearing for this request was held on January 14, 2025. The request received support from George Rose and Deno Hondros, who discussed potential multi-family residential and commercial development, though no guarantees were made regarding housing. Mick Biehery opposed the request, citing concerns over property tax increases, which were addressed by Mr. Harmon. Following discussion on split-development, rezoning adherence, and alignment with the Future Land Use Plan, the board unanimously approved the request (4-0) with a motion by Tyrone Simon and a second by Stephen McCorquodale.
Owner: Moore Enterprises Inc.
Applicant: George Rose
Requested Action: SF-6 to CC
REID #: 0409206960000
Council District: 4 - D.J. Haire
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