TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Strickland, Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP, Development Services Director
David Steinmetz, Development Services Assistant Director
FROM: Jason Everage, Chief Building Official
DATE: January 6, 2025
Changes to Building Code Inspector Certifications by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal III: The City of Fayetteville will be a city invested in today and tomorrow.
Objective 3.3: To sustain a favorable development and business climate through timely and accurate construction review and building inspection services.
Executive Summary:
Council is asked to receive a report on statutory amendments adopted by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board (NCCOQB) for all types and levels of building code inspector certifications.
Effective January 1, 2025, the NCCOQB revised its rules for required qualifications for all levels of building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire inspectors. The occupancy tables for level I, II, and III inspectors, that were previously used have been removed. The new standards limit level I inspectors to only residential construction, level II inspectors to commercial construction, and level III inspectors are unlimited, across all trades.
Building code inspectors are currently assigned to specific zones of the City. This practice limits the amount of driving across the City and allows for the most efficient use of work hours.
Budget Impact:
The changes could increase the amount of fuel used by inspection staff, and possibly decrease the number of inspections performed per day. Development Services staff will work with Budget Office staff to estimate the annual impact for Council's consideration during the FY26 annual budget process.
1. Accept the report as p...
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