City of Fayetteville
File #: 25-4430    Version: 1 Name: SUP24-07. Order of Denial - Findings of Fact
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: SUP24-07. Order of Denial - Findings of Fact: Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a Large Group Home and the reduction of the separation requirement located at 709 Hay Street (REID #0437259126000) and being the property of J & D Managements LLC.
Attachments: 1. SUP24-07 Order Denying - Findings of Fact 709 Hay St Large Group Home, 2. Application SUP24-07, 3. SUP24-07 Aerial Notification Map, 4. SUP24-07 Zoning Map, 5. SUP24-07 Land Use Map, 6. Subject Property, 7. Surroundilng Properties, 8. Hay 709 Group Home Verification Map, 9. CC PowerPoint SUP24-07
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TO: Mayor and Members of City Council

THRU: Kelly Strickland - Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP - Development Services Director

FROM: Will Deaton, AICP, CFM, CZO - Planning & Zoning Manger
Craig Harmon, CZO - Senior Planner

DATE: January 27, 2024

SUP24-07. Order of Denial - Findings of Fact: Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a Large Group Home and the reduction of the separation requirement located at 709 Hay Street (REID #0437259126000) and being the property of J & D Managements LLC.

Council District(s)
2 - Malik Davis

Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal III: City Investment in Today and Tomorrow

Executive Summary:
Council is asked to approve the Order of Denial - Findings of Fact for SUP24-07.
City Council held an Evidentiary hearing on November 25, 2024, and determined that the Applicant failed to present substantial, competent and material evidence that the proposed special use complies with all applicable standards, conditions, and specifications in the UDO, including Section 30-4.C, Use-Specific Standards; that the special use will be in harmony with the area in which it will be located; and that the special use complies with all other relevant City, State, and Federal laws and regulations.
The owner requested to operate a Large Group Home with a reduction in the 2,460 foot separation standards between group homes. The applicant's request would have reduced the separation down to approximately 2,100 feet, which includes crossing over the Martin Luther King Jr Freeway (MLK).

Owner: J & D Managements LLC
Applicant: Saeed Mohammed, Fresh Start Housing
Requested Action: SUP - Large Group Home and Reduction in separation.
Property Address: 709 Hay St
Council District: 2 - Malik Davis
Status of Property: Single Family Detached Dwelling, zoned OI
Size: Approximately 0.34 acres

Adjoining Land Use & Zoning:
* North - MR-5: Condos
* South - OI: Vacant
* We...

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