TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Olivera - Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP - Development Services Director
FROM: Will Deaton, AICP, CFM, CZO - Planning & Zoning Manager
Craig M. Harmon, CZO - Senior Planner
DATE: December 9, 2024
Proposed Text Amendments to Chapter 30 - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Strategic Operating Plan FY 2022
Goals 2027
Goal 2: Responsible City Government Supporting a Diverse and Viable Economy
Objective 2.4 - Sustain a favorable development climate to encourage business growth
Goal 3: City Investment in Today and Tomorrow
Objective 3.2 - Manage the City's future growth and strategic land use
Executive Summary:
Below are 5 proposed areas of the City Code for text amendments. These suggested updates are to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO - Chapter 30), as proposed by the City's Professional Planning Staff of the Development Services Department.
Generally, twice per year, the Development Services Department proposes a batch of text amendments to adjust the UDO and other City Codes. The aim of these amendments is to ensure that the City's regulations reflect modern development standards and community preferences. These suggested amendments are the result of issues identified through ordinance cleanup, the development community's suggestions, and case law implications.
The first step in bringing a proposed amendment before City Council is to have it reviewed, modified and recommended by the City's Planning Commission, following City policies and State Statutes as shown below. The Commission is an integral part of any text amendment process.
According to Section 160D-301 of the North Carolina General Statutes:
(a) Composition. - A local government may by ordinance provide for the appointment and compensation of a planning boar...
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