TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Douglas J. Hewett, ICMA-CM, City Manager
FROM: Kemberle Braden, Chief of Police
Kimberly Leonard, CLGBO, CLGFO, CPA, MPA
Budget and Evaluation Director
DATE: January 27, 2025
Adoption of Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance to Appropriate the FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Award
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Safe and Secure Community
Executive Summary:
The City has been awarded grant funding for the FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. Council is asked to adopt Special Revenue Fund Project Ordinance 2025-16 to accept the grant funding and appropriate $102,387 needed to increase operational efficiency, improve officer safety and upgrade safety equipment.
This grant will be used for safety equipment to include: long-range acoustic device (LRAD), LRAD wireless kit, suppressors for sniper rifles and other firearms, rifle kits, laser aiming modules, spring would 40mm multi-launchers, free standing 100" breaching frame, barricade bags, digital camera, high-powered concrete saw kits, and a cordless tool combo kit.
The Justice Assistance Grant Program furthers the US Department of Justice's (DOJ) mission by assisting state, local and tribal efforts to prevent or reduce crime and violence. Grant funds can be used for a wide variety of law enforcement programs.
As the fiscal agent for this grant, Cumberland County submitted an application to the US DOJ on behalf of the County and City. The total amount of the award is $204,774, allocated to the County and City in the amounts of $102,387 each. The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant is provided to agencies to improve law enforcement services and investigations and officer safety. Grant funds are permitted to be used for a large variety of law enforcement programs.
The grant perform...
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