TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Adam Lindsay, Assistant City Manager
FROM: Sheila Thomas-Ambat, PE, CCM, CFM, Public Services Director
Brian McGill, PE, PTOE, City Traffic Engineer
DATE: November 6, 2023
Traffic Calming Measures
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Goal I: Be a safe and secure community.
Goal II: Be a responsive city government supporting a diverse and viable economy.
Goal III: Be invested in today and tomorrow.
Goal IV: Be a highly desirable place to live, work, and recreate.
Goal V: Be a financially sound city providing exemplary city services.
Goal VI: Have a collaborative citizen and business engagement base.
Executive Summary:
The purpose of this report is to address and discuss the request received from Council to provide high-level information on traffic calming measures outside of speed bumps. The majority of traffic calming measures fall into three categories: Horizontal deflection, vertical deflection, and street width reduction.
Horizontal deflection prevents drivers from driving in a straight line and includes the following traffic calming measures:
* Lateral Shift
* Chicane
* Realigned Intersection
* Traffic Circle
* Mini Roundabout
* Roundabout
Vertical deflection changes the road height and includes the following traffic calming measures:
* Speed Bump/Hump
* Speed Cushion
* Speed Table
* Raised Crosswalk
* Raised Intersection
Council requested speed bumps/humps be omitted from this report, however to be thorough, speed bumps/humps were included in this report and the attachments.
Street width reduction narrows the travel lane, making it less comfortable for the driver to speed, and includes the following traffic calming measures:
* Corner extension/bulb-out
* Choker
* Median Island
* On-Street Parking
* Road Diet
Other measures were reviewed after the initial administrative report was submitted to Council, and are included...
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