TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Timothy L. Bryant, CEO/General Manager
Fayetteville Public Works Commission
FROM: Fayetteville Public Works Commission
DATE: November 27, 2023
PWC - Bid Recommendation - First and Second Stage Bucket Sets for GE 5001P Gas Turbine
Council District(s)
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
High Quality Built Environment
Executive Summary:
Bids were received for the purchase of three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) sets of second stage buckets needed for the GE5001P Gas Turbines located at Butler Warner Generation Plant. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Turbine Technology Services Corp, Orlando, FL, in the total amount of $433,469.46 and $391,002.40 respectively.
The Fayetteville Public Works Commission, during their meeting on October 25, 2023, approved the bid recommendation to award the purchase of three (3) sets of first stage buckets and three (3) sets of second stage buckets needed for the GE5001P Gas Turbines located at Butler Warner Generation Plant to Turbine Technology Services Corp., Orlando, FL, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the total amount of $433,469.46 and $391,002.40 respectively. The Commission also approved to forward this recommendation to City Council for approval.
Bids were received on November 1, 2023
Three Sets of First Stage Buckets for GE5001P Gas Turbine
Bidders Unit Cost Total Cost Lead Time
Turbine Technology Services, Orlando, FL $144,489.82 $433,469.46 14-26 Weeks
Three Sets of Second Stage Buckets for GE5001P Gas Turbine
Bidders Unit Cost Total Cost Lead Time
Turbine Technology Services, Orlando, FL $130,334.13 $391,002.40 14-26 Weeks
Notice of the bid was advertised through our normal channels on October 25, 2023, with a bid opening date of November 1, 2023. Bids w...
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