TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
THRU: Kelly Olivera - Assistant City Manager
Dr. Gerald Newton, AICP - Development Services Director
FROM: Will Deaton, AICP - Planning & Zoning Division Manager
Demetrios Moutos - Planner I
DATE: November 27, 2023
P23-29. Initial zoning of one non-contiguous parcel totaling 21.05 ? acres, requesting annexation, to Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5) located at 0 Jossie Street (0520795388000), being the property of Joseph Griffin Sr. Revocable Trust Agreement, represented by R. Jonathan Charleston of the Charleston Group.
Council District(s)
Prospective Council District - Kathy Jensen
Relationship To Strategic Plan:
Strategic Operating Plan FY 2022
Goals 2027
Goal II: Responsive city government supporting a diverse and viable economy
* Objective 2.1 - To ensure a diverse City tax base.
Goal III: City invested in today and tomorrow
* Objective 3.2 - To manage the City's future growth and strategic land use.
Executive Summary:
Initial zoning of one non-contiguous parcel totaling 21.05 ? acres, requesting annexation, to Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5) located at 0 Jossie Street (0520795388000), being the property of Joseph Griffin Sr. Revocable Trust Agreement, represented by R. Jonathan Charleston of the Charleston Group.
The Zoning Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of the requested initial zoning on November 14, 2023.
Applicant: Victoria Clarkson
Owner: Joseph Griffin Sr. Revocable Trust Agreement
Requested Action: Initial Zoning to Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5)
REID: 0520795388000
Prospective Council District: 1 - Kathy Jensen
Status of Property: Undeveloped
Size: 21.05 ? acres
Adjoining Land Use & Zoning:
( North: Single Family Subdivision (County Zoning R6 Residential District)
( South: Single Family Dwellings (County Zoning R6 and R6A)
( East: Single Family Dwelling, Cell Tower, and open space (County Zoning RR)
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